Craig Ogden is a painter who creates from a place of deep emotion. He personifies the term “labor of love.” Ogden started putting brush to canvas again after a decade-long hiatus from art as a means to escape his daily routine. Pushing paints around a canvas again made him fall in love with the craft anew.

Ogden prefers his current works to remain “unfinished” by nature — not incomplete in thought or composition, but rather in retaining a degree of raw, unrefined emotion that he hopes challenge viewers from their heart and bones outward; that helps them see the world with “different eyes.”

Ogden balances warm shades with colder, nude palettes in his spontaneous creative process. He piles acrylic paint on and off masonite, canvas, and canvas papers in layers until, as he puts it, “the magic happens!”

Belinda is also a professional singer, often streaming performances along with her visual art practices for the world to enjoy. Short says, “I’ve been streaming art off and on for 13 years since streaming started being a thing. I love making art online and interacting.” Currently, Short is working on an augmented reality game to share via streaming as well. Stay tuned to her Mixer channel for updates! Learn more on Instagram.